

How to Draw Dinosaurs

Microraptor Arts was created by me, Holly Amber, in 2011 to provide entertainment to others and to provide work for my web design portfolio. I am an experienced artist (for my age) whose work has been published even before graduating high school. Currently, I am pursuing a college education to become web developer and user interface designer. My graphic design work can be viewed at my website, hollyamber.com.

Dinosaurs were chosen as the subject matter for this website because of my love for dinosaurs since a young age and because of my desire to provide entertainment for those who share my interest. Admitably, some of the prehistoric animals on this website are technically not classified as dinosaurs. For example, the dimetrodon icon for videos link is not classified as a species of dinosaurs, but I included it anyway for variety. I may eventually feature some videos about non-dinosaur, but still prehistoric creatures. Microraptor Arts is called Microraptor Arts because Microraptor is my favorite species of dinosaur, so I decided to make it the mascot of my dinosaur website. Microraptor was an arboreal (lived in the trees) four-winged feathered dromaeosaur (raptor) species of dinosaur that could glide from trees.

Nearly all of the graphics and content were created by me. The only exceptions to this are most of the fan art and some of the images and sounds used as video content. My sources for images and sounds used in video content will be listed in the bibliography at the end of each video. I am drawing and animating the dinosaurs in the videos myself, recording narration myself, as well as doing the sound and video editing.

I hand-coded this website myself entirely in html5 and css3, but I did use some web development resources to help me out since I am just learning html5 and css3. One of the sources for code I used and modified is the book HTML5 & CSS3 FOR THE REAL WORLD, by Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris, and Estelle Weyle. The publisher of this book is SitePoint Pty. Ltd. and it was copywrighted by the publisher in 2011. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning html5 and css3. Some other sources I found helpful for learning were css3.info, w3schools.com, and css-tricks.com.

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