Adobe XD was used to create this demonstration of three high-fidelity wireframes in grayscale for the homepage of Harry Llama's website on three different devices (PC, tablet, & mobile phone).


Three versions of wireframe mockups of homepage and interior pages: one for desktop view, one for mobile, and one for tablet view. Wireframes created using Balsamiq.

User Experience Map

User/Customer Experience Map

This customer experience map is based on a persona created based on research on customer demographics for Lucky Vitamin and examination and analysis of the UI for shopping on the LuckyVitamin.com website.

A/B User Tests

A/B testing is conducted on websites to evaluate the effectiveness of a website or application's user interface, navigation, layout, graphics, content, and ease of use. I do not own the rights to these brands, websites, or companies. I performed the following A/B Tests for demonstration purposes and am making the results of my tests available online. I am not affiliated with Welcome to Night Vale or Taco Bell.

Welcome to Night Vale Logo

A/B Test for welcometonightvale.com

I chose to conduct an A/B test for welcomtonightvale.com using participants who were not familiar with the Welcome to Night Vale podcast, brand, or website for an individual assignment at Arizona State University.

See Usability Test Design, Test Results, and Analysis:
Usability Testing Full Report
Additional Site Screenshots

Taco Bell

A/B Testing and Usability Evaluation Report for TacoBell.com

Thorough UI testing was designed and conducted as a group assignment in UI Design class at Arizona State University. Evaluation of the results includes heuristics and recommendations for improvement. I conducted user testing for our group and assisted with the rest.

Nielson Heuristic Evaluation
A/B Test Participant 1 Raw Data
A/B Test Participant 2 Raw Data
Results and Recommendations
User Personas for TacoBell.com
Personal Work Breakdown of Group Members

User Personas

User personas are fictional individuals created to represent a demographic of the consumers or users of a brand, product, website, or app. The persona makes it easier for employees, designers, developers, and anyone involved in marketing a brand to relate to the users and customer base of the brand so they can design and market to the customer more effectively. Research should be conducted to determine the traits best representing the demographics of the customer base the persona is designed to represent. I used the free version of xtensio.com to create the following personas, but a wide variety of software can be used.

Taco Bell Customer User Persona:
Adam Sona

Adam Sona is a young adult a bit strapped for cash who enjoys casual, low-cost, fast, and tasty food from Taco Bell.

Adam Sona

Taco Bell Customer User Persona:
Lisa O'Connor

This is a user persona created to represent customers of Taco Bell. Lisa O'Connor is a young adult student who eats Taco Bell for convenience and uses maps applications or the website to find locations near her.

Lisa O'Connor